John Johnston of Turtle Point Recording Studio on St. Thomas gave Robert his first shot at the mixing board. When Johnston left the territory, Leonard began to increase the capabilities of his own facility. Robert now boasts a (Pro Tools) digital-powered studio capable of churning out audio files in different formats to suit your needs for commercials, beats, ADR for film studios, background tracks, demos and fully-produced recordings for distribution. Also provided are custom arrangements for various instruments by request. BOOK NOW
Some of Robert’s studio work over the years:
Automated Dialogue Replacement (ADR) (AnEFX)
Island Insight Features for local cable (Moxie Marketing)
KFC (Austin Advertising)
KMart (Burrell Advertising)
Old Milwaukee (Austin Advertising)
Selective Service (Local)
Sunrise Pharmacy (N. Russell)
Tennent’s Stout (Austin Advertising)
Welch’s Tropical Juices (Orion Advertising)
V.I. Energy Office (J. Newhart Productions/Dean Concepts)
WSTA Radio (Ottley Communications Corporation)
These recordings can be used for demos or as background for live ‘track’ performances; or send them off and have them mass-produced for the consumer market. His studio is in use throughout the year on behalf of agencies and individuals who want their projects to be “On Target”!